EUROPEAN CULTURAL EPICENTER Bitola (EKE Bitola) is a non-profit organization registered under the Law on Associations and Foundations based in Bitola - a city in the southern part of North Macedonia, fifteen kilometers to Greece and fifty kilometers to Albania. EKE Bitola was established in 2012 by former participants in the Erasmus Youth In Action program in order to share the personal experiences, knowledge and practices gained from the program, as well as to create additional non-formal education opportunities, which are really significant parts of the educational process for all the individuals in the 21st century. Our regular activities consist of courses, training, workshops and volunteering opportunities for adults and young people from the country and abroad in order to build a society that fosters and promotes positive values, principles and behaviors.
An inclusive society with active citizens who are personally and professionally accomplished.
Life-long learning through non-formal education for everyone.
The main aim of the association is to provide high-quality non-formal educational programs for the citizens of Republic of North Macedonia, Europe and the world.
• Promotion of non–formal education and learning among citizens and educational institutions; • Promotion of the personal and professional development of the citizens of the Republic of North Macedonia; • Encouragement and promotion of voluntary work; • Encouraging the mobility of citizens within and beyond the borders of the Republic of North Macedonia; • Application of sustainable practices, promotion of sustainable development and increasing the contribution of citizens in solving local and global problems; • Promotion of digital literacy, digital skills and digital transformation; • Practicing and promoting a healthy lifestyle through physical activity, sports and sports activities; • Education and emancipation of vulnerable and marginalized groups; • Promotion of active citizenship, human rights, democracy, a market economy, entrepreneurship, equality and solidarity; • Strengthening the role and capacities of organizations and institutions through mutual cooperation, support, indicating needs and possible reforms.
We currently have five staff members and four to six volunteers, depending on the scope of ongoing projects and activities. Additionally, we hire experts from different areas on an honorary basis, ensuring that we have specialized expertise in the field in which we work. Our office is located in the center of Bitola, where we have 200 m2 of premises to implement our activities and provide space for civic initiatives coming from the local community.