Workshops by CPM


CPM- Centrum prevencie mládeže had a series of DISERA workshops on modern trolls, how not to become a victim, how to spot a troll, or what role do trolls play in the online world? New information from the world of fraud and disinformation war on June 7, 2024 to the House of Culture in Čadec with digital security expert Mr. Almost 150 seniors came to listen to Ľubica Kvašňovská. On 5.6. 2024 we prepared a workshop on modern disinformation flows, what role does artificial intelligence play in this? Seniors from the area came to listen to the information at the House of Culture in Čadec with digital security expert Marcela Voreková from the department. prevention Center of prevention Čadca. And at the end of conspiracies, hoaxes and disinfo-web in the online world, how not to become a victim, how to recognize them, you came to hear new info rmation from the world of fraud and disinformation war on June 3, 2024 at the House of Culture in Čadec with an expert in digital security, Major. Mgr. František Linet.

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