Launch Event Online


Minutes of the meeting

4.12.2023 - Online

1. Development of radio broadcasting

CPM will complete the radio shows in November-December 2023, but for now will record written episodes in Slovak.

2. Presentation of another activity

Launch event by CPM partner which will be organized at the end of the radio shows to promote them.

Objective of the activity:

The launch event aims to present the project to the public, especially from rural towns around each partner, with the aim of spreading knowledge about the problem of misinformation and the risks associated with it, collecting ideas, feedback and testing the interest of possible beneficiaries and authorities in the given topic.

Important points for the activity:

  • each partner will organize an opening event in their country
  • at least 15-20 participants per country per activity
  • list of participants in the form of an attendance sheet / sample in the attachment/
  • photo documentation
  • dissemination of activity - spreading activity on your online platforms
  • sending a short message to CPM in the form of a separate email with the name "Launch event"-informations-about the activity + 2-3 photos of me, so that we can place this information on our website
  • the event will be attended by city authorities, local residents, civic associations, older residents, especially older people who are interested in this topic and will directly benefit from the activity
  • possibilities of applying the funds allocated for this activity, e.g. rental of local public spaces for presentations, printing of flyers and brochures, preparation of videos, PowerPoint presentations or other materials.

Here you can see form for this activity.

3. Next activities Digital skills workshops for adults and seniors' rural areas

Lead by New Horizons, we will provide info for organization (after Launch events).

4. Multiplier events: once all project activities are finalized (from June to August 2024)

5. Final meeting: will take place in Slovakia next year, very probably in June 2024